As I am spending slices of my time refreshing some Malware Analysis theory, I thought was valuable (at least to my future amnesiac self) writing down a simple ‘custom base64 alphabet translator.’ This can/should be extended to support CLI/WebApp i ntegration. So, here is the skeleton:

UPDATE: added interactive mode below and also found this great tool which is already doing what I aimed for and much more.

import string
import base64

# custom encoding function
def EncodeCustomBase64(stringToBeEncoded,custom_b64):
   standard_b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='
   encoded = base64.b64encode(stringToBeEncoded)
   final_encoded = ""
   for ch in encoded:
        if (ch in custom_b64):
            final_encoded += custom_b64[string.find(standard_b64,str(ch))]
        elif (ch == '='):
            final_encoded += '='

# custom decoding function
def DecodeCustomBase64(stringToBeDecoded,custom_b64):
   standard_b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='
   temp_decoded = ""
   for ch in stringToBeDecoded:
        if (ch in custom_b64):
            temp_decoded += standard_b64[string.find(custom_b64,str(ch))]
        elif (ch == '='):
            temp_decoded += '='
   decoded = base64.b64decode(temp_decoded)

print "#########################################################"
print "### CAB-64 - Custom Alphabet Base64 [en|de]coder v0.1 ###"
print "#########################################################"

while True:
# enter custom base64 alphabet i.e"QpaZIivj4ndG=H021y+NO5RSTxPgUz67FMhYq8b3wemKfkJLBocCDrs9VtWXlEuA"
    custom_base_64 = raw_input("> Enter your custom base64 alphabet (must be 64 char long):\n")
    if len(custom_base_64) != 65:
        print "\n\t - [!] incorrect alphabet length - alphabet must be 64 char long\n"
        while True:
            action = raw_input("> Are you Encoding (E) or Decoding (D)\n")
            if action != "D" and action != "E" and action !="e" and action!="d":
                print "\n\t[!] incorrect selection"
            elif action == "E" or action =="e":
                cleartext = raw_input("> Enter your cleartext that needs to be encoded:\n")
            elif action == "D" or action =="d":
                ciphertext = raw_input("> Enter your ciphertext that needs to be deencoded\n")